VFACTS: June 2022

Fixing a car, COG Aggregation

June 2022 presented the continual downwards track of new vehicle sales, normally one of the biggest months of the year. VFACTS new car sales figure presents a total of 99,974 vehicles sold in June, a decrease of 9.7 per cent on the same month in 2021. At the year-to-date total, 537,858 have been sold, representing a 5.2 per cent decrease on June 2021. 

Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, Chief Executive Tony Weber said,

“Globally, car makers are continuing to suffer from plant shutdowns. In Europe we have component supply heavily impacted by the conflict in Ukraine. Microprocessors continue to be in short supply and global shipping remains unpredictable.” 

Stock shortages continue to be the cause of market slowdowns, according to car brands, with a blend of strong demand, parts shortages and factory pauses contributing to longer wait times on some models beyond 12 months.

“While demand for new cars remains strong in Australia, it is unlikely we will see supply chain issues resolve in the near future,”

With inflation being higher than anticipated, the Reserve Bank has rolled out a series of aggressive interest rate rises to restrain consumer demand within the economy and restore some balance between the supply and demand for goods. Thus, contributed to a lacklustre June for the new vehicle market sales, traditionally a busy month. Lack of stock also resulted in fewer End of Financial Year deals than prior to the pandemic when showroom floors were overstocked with cars, many of which allowed for dealers to provide discounts to get them moving.

Sales by Brand

Toyota continues to be the market leader in June, followed by Kia and Hyundai again, with 8480 and 8259 sales – up 7.5 and 12.3 per cent compared to June 2021. Toyota led Kia with a massive margin of 14,081, reporting 22,516 vehicles as sold in June 2022; bringing its total half-year tally to 121,377, only just behind its record set of 127,440 in 2008.  

Mazda placed fourth with 6245 sales, down a 48.9 per cent year on year, fifth was Mitsubishi with 5846 vehicles sold pushing Ford to sixth as it awaits delivery of more than 19,000 new Ford Rangers and Everests preordered.

Sales by Models

Continuing to dominate the ranks the Toyota HiLux, was up 40.1 per cent on 2021 with 7582 vehicles sold. Followed, surprisingly the Hyundai Tucson was up 89.8 per cent with 2840 cars sold. The Ranger took bronze with 2802 sold, down 53.7 per cent, followed by the Toyota Corolla, 2605 sold and RAV4 with 2586 sold.  

Some standouts include the Kia Sportage, entering the top 10 with 2044 sold, up an impressive 136.8 per cent and the MG HS, which placed in the top 10 for its first time, 1795 sales, up 79 per cent.  

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Telsa reports 172 cars sold in June 2021, greatly impacted by its production halts of the Model 3 caused by the aftereffects of lockdowns; but with the Model Y SUVs set to arrive in August and productions of the model 3 resuming, sales are expected to pick up in the coming months.  

Collectively, the demand for EVs is increasing at a rapid rate, last month driving up by 116 per cent over the year prior with 1137 registrations. 

Sales by State

  • Northern Territory sold 1,115 vehicles, representing an increase of 16.3 per cent versus June 2021 
  • Australian Capital Territory fell 11.6 per cent and sold 1,486 vehicles 
  • New South Wales fell 7.5 per cent and sold 32,027 vehicles 
  • Queensland dropped by 13.2 per cent and sold 21,983 vehicles 
  • South Australia down 8.6 per cent with 6,214 vehicles sold 
  • Tasmania plummeted 17.2 per cent with only 1,572 vehicles sold 
  • Victoria was down 12.2 per cent 25,764 vehicles sold 
  • Western Australia decreased by 2.2 per cent with 9,813 vehicles sold.  
Top 10 Cars in June 2022 
Rank Model Volume June 2022 Change year-on-year 
Toyota HiLux 7582 up 40.1 per cent 
Hyundai Tucson 2840 up 89.8 per cent 
Ford Ranger 2802 down 53.7 per cent 
Toyota Corolla 2605 up 19.8 per cent 
Toyota RAV4 2586 up 3.4 per cent 
Isuzu D-Max 2383 down 24.8 per cent 
Kia Sportage 2044 up 136.8 per cent 
Mitsubishi Triton 2014 down 10.1 per cent 
Hyundai i30 1801 down 22.7 per cent 
10 MG HS 1795 up 79 per cent  
Top 10 Brands in June 2022 
Rank Brand Volume June 2022 Change year-on-year 
Toyota 22,561 up 7.0 per cent 
Kia 8480 up 7.5 per cent 
Hyundai 8259 up 12.3 per cent 
Mazda 6245 down 48.9 per cent 
Mitsubishi 5846 up 3.6 per cent 
Ford 4972 down 41.2 per cent 
MG 4403 up 2.3 per cent 
Mercedes-Benz Cars 3909 down 17.4 per cent 
Subaru 3575 up 18.3 per cent 
10 Isuzu Ute 3457 down 12.8 per cent