Switch to save with clean energy

Business owners are constantly looking for ways to optimise cash flow and improve their bottom line. So did you know that your business customers could receive a government benefit for installing a small scale renewable energy system? And that you, as a broker, can offer energy finance to customers to purchase sustainable solar assets?

Such systems pay for themselves in energy savings in a relatively short period of time but businesses now have the added financial incentives as part of the Renewable Energy Target. Participants who invest in, and generate, renewable energy may be eligible for financial benefits under the scheme.

Platform Finance Energy can help your customers take full advantage of this, but there are many more ways investing in clean energy can get businesses in the green.

Clean energy sources to adopt

There are a plethora of clean energy solutions available for all budgets and business sizes. Consider a combination of the below to grow a greener business:

  • Rooftop and ground-mounted solar systems
  • Solar hot water coupled with a heat pump
  • Demand management systems
  • Battery storage or energy arbitrage
  • Bioenergy and biofuels
  • Energy-from-waste

How small and medium businesses can benefit from clean energy

Anyone needing a classic example of a win-win situation need only look at using clean energy: the energy user benefits, new jobs are created, the planet breathes a little more easily, and future generations will be grateful. In fact, make that win-win-win-win.

So what’s in it for a business switching to clean energy, besides the ‘feelgood’ factor?

  • Fulfil your corporate social responsibility. Today’s consumers care about the impact they’re having on the environment and choose the companies they support accordingly.
  • Lower energy bills. Whether you’re generating electricity for use in your business, or just feeding into the grid, or both, one thing is certain – your bottom line will thank you.
  • Fast return on investment. For solar panels, it’s estimated that it only takes between three and six years to recoup your capital outlay via reduced power bills. That’s a good ROI.
  • Less service disruption. You will always have a back-up source of electricity to keep your business running despite power outages.
  • Discounted rates on your utilities. Banks often offer businesses discounted finance rates on eligible clean energy equipment.

Energy Finance Solutions

Platform Finance have access to numerous lenders that often offer businesses discounted finance rates on eligible clean energy equipment. If you’d like to offer sustainable energy solutions to your business customers, contact us today to give you the green light.

This article was originally published by OneAffiniti.com