Platform Connect CRM has revolutionised asset finance processing

October 2019 marked the launch of Platform Finance’s custom-built CRM system – Platform Connect. Since then, the system has helped many of our aggregated brokers revolutionise the way they manage and process applications.

Brett McMurrick, Principal at MMF Finance and Consulting in Melbourne, has been using Platform Connect for his asset finance deals since its launch.

“One word to explain Connect – INCREDIBLE,” said Brett. “Ever since we decided to move to over to Connect, we have been extremely happy with how it has improved the productivity of our business.”

Jordan Andrews, Head of Credit at MMF said, “Connect just makes sense. It’s very easy to operate and the support from Platform is fantastic. It logs every alteration to the application, so you can keep track of what the client changes and what we change. You can make subtle modifications quickly and easily and you are alerted when you reach certain milestones throughout the application.”

“The Lender APIs are fully functional and save us a lot of time. Being a custom-built system just for asset finance means the application is more streamlined than other systems,” said Jordan.

Platform Connect has fully functional APIs for the below major lenders and we are continuingly working towards including others:

  • Metro
  • Macquarie
  • Westpac
  • Capital
  • Bank of Melbourne
  • Latitude
  • RateSetter
  • Pepper (Consumer)

“Our former client portal came with restrictions, but the Connect portal is very user-friendly and much more efficient,” said Brett. “We can send the client a link that is the same for every loan they have with us. It gives the client access to their historical information and all their documents. We can also invite our client’s accountants to access the secure information for tax purposes if required.”

Compliance tracking and automation was at the forefront of our minds when building Connect. We wanted to give our brokers peace of mind that they were completing all the necessary documentation and complying 100% with NCCP requirements.

“The compliance functionality in Connect is excellent. All the documents are generated and populated at the click of a button,” said Brett. “It gives us great confidence that we have crossed all the T’s and dotted all the I’s for every application.”

If you would like to see how efficiencies in your brokerage can be improved via this custom-built lead management and application system, contact our Platform Connect experts today. On-boarding is simple, and you will reap the benefits immediately.

Visit Platform Connect to learn more.